This class is designed to provide required training by the ANSI A92.22 Standard on Safe use and how to safely inspect aerial lifts, boom lifts, scissor lifts now referred to as MEWPs. The training course will be held at your location.

During this class, students will be:

  • Trained in a classroom on the rules of the different MEWPs (A92.22 & A92.20)
  • 20-30 minute assessment and instruction for each operator
  • Explained and demonstrated pre-operation inspection methods
  • Taught fall protection

Course Objectives:

  • To understand OSHA Regulations combined with ANSI A92 Standards
  • To review employers equipment specific pre-operation inspection requirements
  • To demonstrate skill level of operation of employers equipment

Employers receive training records, test results and laminated aerial lift cards for their employees deemed to have met the standards requirements through observation and evaluation.

Time: 2-3 hours of class lecture with approx. 20-30 minutes per worker for evaluation

These services are  provided at your location or site. Costs will vary depending on amount of people attending and travel time. Must have appropriate MEWP (mobile elevated working platform) available on site for the hands on training section of the program.



“I’ve been operating a boom lift for years – never had a training this detailed.”

“Trainer was great! Gave me confidence I could run these things.”