MA RRP Refresher

Renew Your LSR Lead Paint Certification with Our 4-Hour Refresher Course

If you're a contractor in Massachusetts needing to renew your LSR Lead Paint Certification, LeadSMART Training offers a 4-hour refresher course designed to keep you compliant with the latest lead safety regulations. This course covers essential lead-safe work practices, regulatory updates, and dust control techniques, ensuring your knowledge stays current and you can continue operating safely and legally in the field. LeadSMART’s LSR Lead Paint Certification 4-Hour Refresher Course is available live in convenient Massachusetts locations: Norwood, [...]

BIG Updates: New MA Training Programs & Our First Ever Training Center!

During the past few months, we have been working hard behind the scenes and want to share with all of you some GFN!!!!! What’s a GFN you ask?? We now offer MA Moderate Risk Deleading program for contractors!! We offer these 4 hour classes Virtually (can you say zoom?) and Live. Click to learn more about Moderate Risk Deleading LIVE Schedule VIRTUAL Schedule You asked for LIVE LSR REFRESHER CLASSES ….. we heard you! good-news [...]

2024-08-30T14:27:19-04:00August 30th, 2024|Categories: LEAD PAINT NEWS, MA LSR-S, MA RRP Refresher|

From the Desk of Peter

"Can you take a call" Sue asked with the phone in her hand – "he really wants to speak with you." I felt my mind race with possibilities – the next few minutes brought me to my knees. “I am sorry to bother you, but you need to hear this --- I have been attending your classes now for over six years. Last year I listened to something you have said repeatedly during your silica talk about [...]

2020-10-01T13:41:20-04:00September 29th, 2020|Categories: CSL NEWS, LEAD PAINT NEWS, MA LSR-S, MA RRP Refresher, OSHA 10 Training, OSHA NEWS|

Having Fun Yet?

If you told me a month ago I would be able to take a month or two and relax very soon, I would have had you admitted to the insane asylum. This time we are all experiencing is to say the least – chaotic. Here’s some things I have found out about myself during this trying time: I was not meant to be at home very long (ask my wife) I am more of a workaholic than [...]

2020-04-08T16:23:41-04:00April 8th, 2020|Categories: LEAD PAINT NEWS, MA RRP Refresher, RRP Refresher, Uncategorized|