
Silica Dust Training: Protecting Workers’ Health

Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in materials like sand, stone, concrete, and mortar. It's used in everyday products such as glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and artificial stone. While this mineral is an integral part of many industries, it poses significant health risks when handled improperly. During activities like cutting, sawing, grinding, drilling, and crushing these materials, respirable crystalline silica dust is released. These particles are at least 100 times smaller than ordinary sand, making them [...]

OSHA On The Prowl Again

A client of ours received a letter stating that OSHA is planning a new inspection initiative that will focus on enhanced enforcement in the engineered stone fabrication and installation industry. Upon reading the letter forwarded to us, I ventured onto OSHA's website ( to see the section—follow the link to see their announcement: Crystaline Silica is not cancerous. What it does to your lungs is a scarring that is called fibrosis. This leads to silicosis which [...]

2023-11-06T14:06:28-04:00November 6th, 2023|Categories: OSHA NEWS, Silica|