Top 5 Reasons Contractors in MA, CT, NH, RI, and ME Need Their Initial Lead Paint Certification

For contractors working in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Maine, obtaining your Initial Lead Paint Certification (LSR or RRP) is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s a critical step to protect your business, your workers, and your clients. Whether you're renovating, repairing, or painting homes built before 1978, this certification equips you with essential knowledge and ensures compliance with EPA and state regulations. Here are the top five reasons why you need your Initial Lead Paint [...]

2024-12-02T13:16:05-04:00December 2nd, 2024|Categories: LEAD PAINT NEWS, RRP, RRP Training|Tags: , , |

EPA Begins Effort to Reduce Children’s Exposure to Lead Paint in Lewiston/Auburn, Maine Area

..... MAINE CONTRACTORS: The EPA has announced that will begin “an effort to improve compliance with laws that protect children from lead paint poisoning” in the Lewiston/Auburn, Maine area. This includes “steps the Agency is taking to increase compliance... with the federal lead-based paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule.” The press release notes that the Lewiston/Auburn area “has the highest number of incidences in the state of children under the age of six with elevated blood [...]

2016-05-19T09:42:51-04:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: EPA, MAINE, Quick Hits, RRP|Tags: , , |