Have kids? Want them safe? Ever have to be the bad parent to keep them that way? Ever been told the homework is all done…..when you know better? Have you ever had to be that parent and discipline them – for their own good?
Have Subcontractors? Want them safe? Ever have to be the bad parent to keep them that way? Ever been told the work is all done…..when you know better? Have you ever had to be that parent and discipline them – for their own good?
Yeah sometimes being the GC or employer is a lot like parenting. Relentless…..Challenging……Rewarding?????
Recently a U.S. Appeals Court judge in New Orleans ruled that OSHA can cite GC’s for their Subs safety violations. Cases where felony manslaughter are issued are the hardest lesson anyone could ever think possible – but they are true. Interested in the details? Follow this link to the story published by ConstructionDIVE Court Tells GC’s
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) has a section that clearly advises all of us who “compensate others for their services” what our legal obligations are – it is called 5(a) and 5(b). Ever read it? You really should – in fact here is the link to this short little tidbit General Duty Clause.
You learnt as a parent telling someone to act a certain way only works with consistency and backing up your words with actions if needed. I am smiling at your response – “they get paid to follow rules”…. How did that work with your kids? Better yet, when you are away from the site, how do you think its working with your older kids?
Being an employer comes with its obligations and sometimes mixed in with a few rewards…. What shape is the safety part of your company? Is everyone on the same page? Do you even have a page that makes sense to follow?
Safety is not just an obligation but doing the right thing…. Sounds a lot like parenting.
Stay Healthy and Profitable,
Peter Lawton,
LeadSMART Training Solutions, Inc
In addition to Open Class Trainings, we work with private firms focusing on best practices to create a culture of safety through safety consulting, job site inspections, program development, OSHA Informal Hearings and foreman training.
Give us a call to discuss a company safety assessment which will show your strengths as well as uncover areas needing improvement.