This is what we typically hear after answering our phone. Frustration is putting it mildly.

I get it guys, you don’t want this or any other regulation regarding your work. However, if you choose to stay in the field of construction, you have to get these continuing education credits. The choice is by whom — someone from the field or ??

Where and how you go about this confuses many. Let’s take a few minutes to give you the straight answers based on the calls we get.


You need at least one hour of Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in each of the five mandatory topics. Depending on your license, you require the following:

  • • Unrestricted Construction Supervisors License = 12 hours of continuing education
  • • Restricted Construction Supervisors License (one & two family) = 10 hours of continuing education
  • • Construction Supervisors Specialty License = 6 hours of continuing education

Once you have one hour (CEU) in each category you can fill in the remaining amounts as you wish using other electives or by having more hours in any subject.


According to 780 CMR- eight edition, 110.R5.4.3, (this is the MA CODE) here are the topics:

  1. Code Review                                                                  one hour
  2. Workplace Safety                                                          one hour
  3. Business Practices/Workers Compensation                one hour
  4. Energy (except Demolition Specialty License)            one hour
  5. Lead Safe Practices (only first renewal cycle)             one hour

The information above was obtained right from the BBRS website – for information as to where to purchase your required books, go to: CODE BOOKS


Our 12 HOUR (12 CEUs) contains:

  1. Code Review                                                                                  two hours
  2. Workplace Safety                                                                          two hours
  3. Business Practices/Workers Compensation                                two hours
  4. Energy                                                                                            two hours
  5. Lead Safe Practices                                                                       two hours
  6. Elective: Project Management                                                      two hours

 Our 4 HOUR (4 CEUs) contains:

  1. Code Review                                                                                 two hours
  2. Energy                                                                                           two hours

Several of our OSHA and RRP classes contain CEU’s which have been approved by BBRS and can be applied to your requirements.

SEEMS like all the information you would need – wouldn’t you think so?  There are many contractors that remain with questions. Although we encourage your calls to get the
straight answer, I thought you might like to read below our:


10.        Is there a test?


 9.         How long is this class?

 1 HOUR FOR EACH CEU PROVIDED – NOT INCLUDING BREAKS OR LUNCH. LS offers the 12 CEU over a two day period (usually staggered over two weeks)

8.         Will I get the code updates at this class?

NO – you will get hand outs for every topic presented. You will be shown how to obtain the books you are now required to have in your possession during class.

7.          What do I need to bring to class?

              Your CSL and a SMILE (no grumpy’s tolerated)

6.          What does this have to do with building a house?

               See number 7 then contact BBRS since you won’t like my answer

5.          Can I do this online?

Yes – but not with us. I am not a believer in online training so we might not be a good fit if you are. Go to BBRS to see which approved coordinator is providing approved online courses.

4.         How do I get my license renewal form?

BBRS sends you out your renewal form approximately 60 days from your renewal date as their birthday card to you. If you arewithin that time frame and have yet to recieve it – contact:

Kim Spencer

Dept of Public Safety


Kimberly can be reached early in am and if you have your CSL in front of you, she will be able to get it right out to you. We have found her AWESOME to deal with.

3.          How does the BBRS know I took the course?

At completion of your course, you will get a certificate issued from the coordinator you chose as your trainer. It will have on it the course number that BBRS issued when approving the course along with the topics and CEU’s you have earned.COPY this for your records and send in the original along with your renewal application and a gift in the form of a check to the state for your license renewal. They will verify the course number being an approved credit.

2.         How do I know if the class is officially approved by BBRS?

Go to Approved Courses scroll down to find your training provider listed here and see if the course you are about to take is listed.



1.         Do I have to do this next time I renew my license?

             Bet you already know this one – Email me if you don’t.


             Stay Healthy,

             Peter Lawton