Who Needs New Year’s Resolutions?

Most of us do the same thing on New Year’s — Make resolutions we don’t keep: Lose weight Eat more vegetables Get organized Sound familiar? And yet, these resolutions are important. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t waste time even thinking about them. So, we set up the goals even if we aren’t sure we can reach them because, as we all know, there are only so many hours in a day. You know another goal that’s important? [...]

2016-01-26T10:43:13-04:00January 26th, 2016|Categories: OSHA NEWS|Tags: , , , |

OSHA Hazard Communication Standard & The Right To Know

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) was written to give workers the right to know about hazardous chemicals in the workplace. It has since been expanded to ensure workers have access to information about these hazards, establishing a “right to understand.” The HCS requires that: Chemical manufacturers and importers are required to evaluate the hazards of the chemicals they produce or import, and prepare labels and safety data sheets to convey the hazard information to their downstream customers; [...]

2015-10-21T00:58:44-04:00October 6th, 2015|Categories: HazCom, OSHA NEWS|Tags: , , , , |